Rave The Planet is an inspirational non-profit based in Berlin, devoted to celebrating and preserving the culture of electronic music. The founders are visionaries, musicians, and entrepreneurs — including Dr. Motte, who pioneered Loveparade – all united with a single objective: making a sustainable impact on techno culture worldwide!
Rave The Planet is committed to boosting consciousness, advocating tolerance, and connecting creative professionals to fuel the development of electronic music culture. Rave The Planet strives to deepen understanding and increase public approval of this formative culture by taking gradual steps.
Rave The Planet is committed to their ambitious vision of formally acknowledging techno music as a cultural form. They wish for UNESCO to preserve the unique features and characteristics of Berlin's techno culture, safeguarding clubs and other venues while simultaneously providing support for its creators to ensure this culture while encouraging further development.
Rave The Planet, a new parade in Berlin, is dedicated to continuing the tradition of Loveparade as an annual celebration of electronic music culture. The festival wants to encourage all culture creators worldwide to join Rave The Planet in organizing their parades on the same day and create one massive worldwide gathering celebrating peace through dance! Rave the planet - join the fun!